Boating and Travel

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It's getting close, I will be home in 5 days now! Bethany and I have been apart for more than 6 weeks and I have been out of the US for almost 10 months. It's going to be bitter sweet, maybe more sweet than bitter. It's also going to be the end of employment and back to fun-employment and the job hunt. Hopefully a job will open up once we're back in Florida but it might take a few months. Now just to get through this week and make it home safe! This picture reminds me of home and my first stop back in the states.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Today I had a chance to explore Genoa a bit. The city is massive and one could spend a week here and not see it all. As we traveled much of Greece and the east coast of Italy, I have gotten accustomed to the smaller towns based around fishing or the coast. Today, was a great reminder of the culture and history that Italy possess. It's also great to be out of the tourist season and just see Italians live their normal lives, such as Christmas shopping. The Christmas hype doesn't seem near as big as it is in the States, but there are constant reminders sprinkled in all the stores. It was a great day to enjoy some real Italian pizza, coffee, and watch some great street performers.