Bethany here and I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would check in. When the guests are on Andrew is a little less busy than I am and when the guests are off there's not a whole lot to blog about.
As we speak Magic Days is going through a very narrow channel. Croatia is made up of "main land" and many many islands. This creates a lot of channels and bays. This channel gets as narrow as 35 ft. The boat has a beam of 23ft. (A beam is how wide the boat is.) So this makes for some tight sailing! Looking at the depth finder we made it through shallow water, 10 ft deep! Our draft is 5ft 5 inches. (Draft is how much of the boat us underwater, from water level to the bottom of the boat.)Needless to say we are cruising VERY slowly. Bacarella, the 200ft boat we were on last year had a draft of over 12ft. Big boats can not go through channels and get to small islands the way this boat can because of their large draft. Luckily our owners love to be underway so we can take our time getting to the next destination. Just left Zadar, Croatia and I'm not even sure where we're headed, I guess I'll figure it out when we get there. The famous director Alfred Hitchcock said that the most beautiful sunset in the world can be seen from Zadar.
Well, I better go check on my guests! -Bethany
Thanks for helping us learn about the yachting world.