Boating and Travel

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Delphi...the major worship place for the Greek god Apollo

While in the port of Galaxidi, we were able to take a half hour car ride to the town of Delphi. Delphi is home to some of the most ancient and incredible ruins still around in Greece. The city was built around and for the worshiping of the Greek god Apollo, son of Zeus. Apollo was said to have the power to bring healing, medicine and also plague for ill-health. Cities on the main-land as well as other islands in the Greek world would set up temples or treasuries as a source of offering or tithe. If a battle or war was won, Apollo would get a 10th of the winnings to thank the oracles or gods for direction and victory. Not only did Delphi serve as a place of worship, it was also home to the second most important athletic event next to the games at Olympia. The event was called the Pythian Games, named in remembrance of Apollo's slewing of the Python. The games were open to the greatest athletes of the Greek world. Some of our pictures include the stadium were the games were held, the temple of Apollo, treasuries, and the theatre. The views were amazing and well worth the 9 euro admission. It is a piece of history unlike anything we have ever seen and something that wouldn't even exist in the States. There was also a museum which has a collection of statues and other gifts that were once housed in the treasuries. It's amazing how well preserved some of the statues and columns remain after thousands of years and hard to imagine the site of white marble covering every column, statue, or building. I definitely would recommend taking a trip to Delphi.

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